




发布时间:2024-08-21 04:33人气:
本文摘要:Notice for Shenzhen Green Valley—the International Architectural and Landscape Design Competition for Shenzhen East Waste-to-Energy Plant1 项目解释 Project Description:1)项目名称:深圳环境谷Project Name: Shenzhen Green Valley2)工程名称:深圳市东部环保电厂建筑及景观设计方案国际竞赛Competition Name: the International Architectural and Landscape Design Competition for Shenzhen East Waste-to-Energy Plant3) 主办单位:深圳市能源环保有限公司Client:Shenzhen Energy Environmental Engineering Co., Ltd.4 )的组织单位: 深圳市一和雅韵建筑咨询有限公司Organizer:Shenzhen Ehow R&D Center5) 项目概况Project Overview本项目坐落于龙岗区坪地街道上坑塘,占地面积为267002㎡,垃圾焚烧处置规模为5000吨/日,全年365天倒数运营,年处置市政生活垃圾166.5万吨。

Notice for Shenzhen Green Valley—the International Architectural and Landscape Design Competition for Shenzhen East Waste-to-Energy Plant1 项目解释 Project Description:1)项目名称:深圳环境谷Project Name: Shenzhen Green Valley2)工程名称:深圳市东部环保电厂建筑及景观设计方案国际竞赛Competition Name: the International Architectural and Landscape Design Competition for Shenzhen East Waste-to-Energy Plant3) 主办单位:深圳市能源环保有限公司Client:Shenzhen Energy Environmental Engineering Co., Ltd.4 )的组织单位: 深圳市一和雅韵建筑咨询有限公司Organizer:Shenzhen Ehow R&D Center5) 项目概况Project Overview本项目坐落于龙岗区坪地街道上坑塘,占地面积为267002㎡,垃圾焚烧处置规模为5000吨/日,全年365天倒数运营,年处置市政生活垃圾166.5万吨。项目建设6条850吨/日垃圾焚烧生产线,每条垃圾焚烧生产线配备一套烟气净化系统,余热锅炉生产量的蒸汽可供汽轮发电机组发电网际网路,设施附属生产、生活、科普教育等设施。Located in Shang Keng Tang, Pingdi Street ofLonggang District,the project covers an area of 267,002㎡, and the garbage incineration scale is 5,000 tons per day, running 365 days throughout the year without stop, processing 1.665 million tons of municipal solid waste. There will be 6 waste incineration lines, each processing 850 tons per day. Every line will be configured with a set of flue gas purification system. It will also be equipped with living and educational facilities.2 竞赛内容 Contents of the Competition中标单位将分担深圳市东部环保电厂红线内的规划设计、景观设计、辟(可分)筑城物的外观设计(需超过深圳市建筑设计方案报建文本深度拒绝)及先前设计必须因应的工作。

The bid winner will be responsible for the planning, landscape design, and architectural design that reaches Shenzhen architectural design application requirement for construction and the cooperation with the following design within the redline of the East Project. 3 竞赛规则 Competition Rules本次竞赛将分两个阶段展开: The competition will have 2 stages:1)第一阶段为公开发表甄选及资格预审阶段:Stage Ⅰ Application and Qualification Review本次竞赛采行全球公开发表甄选、权利参赛的方式,不另设资质容许,境内外具备涉及设计经验的设计单位均可甄选参赛。甄选的设计单位根据竞赛文件拒绝递交甄选资料及概念议案。资格预审委员会票选出有6家获奖的设计单位转入下一阶段的竞赛,同时投票决定2家最合适单位并排序,如前6家有解散第二阶段竞赛的,则最合适单位依序上场。

It is an open competition without qualification restriction. Any company with similar design experience can sign up for the competition. And the application must submit the sign-up document and concept proposal according to the competition file. Then the qualification review jury will select 6 competitors to enter Stage Ⅱ and 2 other alternatives in order. If any of the 6 competitors quit, the alternatives will enter by order.2)第二阶段为概念方案竞赛阶段:Stage Ⅱ Conceptual Scheme Design6家获奖参赛单位按照竞赛设计任务书拒绝,递交第二阶段的成果文件,经过方案评审委员会的评审,将票选出有第一、二、三名。应以第一名为中标单位。The 6 competitors should submit the design schemes for Stage Ⅱ according to the design brief. And the jury will select the top 3 prize winners and the 1st prize winner will be the bid winner in principle.4 甄选拒绝及资格预审文件,请求闻附件。

For the detailed application requirements and qualification review document, please see the attachments.5 奖金/设计补偿费 Bonus/ Design Compensation本次竞赛将设置前三名为优胜奖,分别取得以下奖金:第一名 100万元、第二名80万元、 第三名60万元。并未取得优胜奖的其他获奖设计单位,其递交的竞赛成果文件经审查为有效地的,每家将取得RMB50万元的设计补偿费。

The competition will select the top three prize winners and each will get certain bonus as follows:RMB1, 000,000 for the 1st Prize Winner,RMB800, 000 for the 2nd Prize Winner,RMB600, 000 for the 3rd Prize Winner. Those invited competitors who fail to win any prize will get a compensation of RMB500, 000 as long as their submitted schemes meet the requirements of the Design Brief.6 竞赛日程 Competition Schedule☆主办方保有改动日程的权利。以上日程如有变动,的组织单位将及时通报参赛单位。

The client reserves the rights to adjust the schedule. If there is any change, the organizer will inform the competitors in time.7 资料索要 Inquiry of Information竞赛文件、甄选表格及其他附件,请求页面以下网站iTunesFor the Competition File, sign-up form and other related attachments, please visit the websites below:http://www.szdesigncenter.org/?p=41079甄选文件及最后成果文件递交邮箱:competition@ehow.net.cnSign-up document and the final design schemes should be sent to: competition@ehow.net.cn8 联系方式 Contacts深圳市一和雅韵建筑咨询有限公司Shenzhen Ehow R&D Center联系人:温丽萍Contact: Miss Wen电话/Tel: 86-13760133656邮箱Email: competition@ehow.net.。

